You always have access to a full financial statement for each of your wallets to be able to audit and reconcile your balance on our platform.

Search statements

To see every single transaction on your wallet, please start by choosing:

  • The time period
  • A wallet

Pressing “Show” will display a table with the transactions on this wallet for the selected period. You can also limit the results to specific Mobile Money Operators (MMOs) or transaction types.

You can choose up to a one-month period at a time.

When viewing statements in the dashboard, a maximum of 10,000 transactions are displayed.

By default, results are shown starting from the most recent transaction. You can change the order by pressing on the respective column in the header of the table.

Export statements

After selecting the wallet and time period, press the “Export statement” button to generate a CSV file with the results.

You will be asked to confirm this action and then taken to the History page to download the resulting CSV file.

You can choose up to a one month period at a time.

There is no limit to the number of transactions.

The export may take some time to generate. The History page will refresh itself automatically to show the latest status.

Data in statements

After exporting or viewing the statement data in our portal, the following data will be included:

Creation DateThe date and time when this transaction was recorded on our platform. The time is in the UTC time zone.
MSISDNThe phone number of the mobile money wallet that was involved in the transaction.
Transaction IDThe ID of this transaction as specified by you through our API. You can read more about transaction IDs from our API docs.
AmountThe amount of the transaction.
CurrencyThe currency in which the transaction took place.
CountryThe country in which this transaction took place.
MNOThe Mobile Money Operator (MMO) that fulfilled this transaction.
TypeThe type of this transaction. See the list of all transaction types below.
BalanceYour balance after this transaction.
ReasonThe reason for this transaction, for example, “Initial top-up” for your first top-up of this wallet.
MetadataMetadata in JSON format you attached to the payments for providing additional context about the payment.

Not all columns are populated for all transactions. For example, transactions that represent a settlement of your balance do not have an MSISDN and MMO specified.

Transaction types

You may encounter the following transaction types in your statements:

Transaction typeDescription
DepositMoney collected from a customer has been deposited on your wallet.
PayoutMoney has been paid out to a customer from your wallet.
Failed payout refundMoney initially reserved from your wallet for a payout has been returned due to the payout failing.
RefundMoney initially collected to your wallet has been refunded to the customer.
Failed refund reversalMoney initially reserved from your wallet for a refund has been returned due to the refund failing.
Deposit pass-through feeA fee charged by the Mobile Money Operator (MMO) for a deposit.
Payout pass-through feeA fee charged by the Mobile Money Operator (MMO) for a payout.
Refund pass-through feeA fee charged by the Mobile Money Operator (MMO) for a refund.
pawaPay deposit feeA fee charged by pawaPay for a deposit.
pawaPay payout feeA fee charged by pawaPay for a payout.
pawaPay refund feeA fee charged by pawaPay for a refund.
Top upFunds sent by you have been added to your wallet. Read more about Topping up your wallets.
WithdrawalFunds withdrawn from your wallet to be settled to your bank. Read more about requesting a settlement.

Additional infomation for all Adjustments and Compensations is provided in the Details column.