Every action taken in our dashboard is kept tracked and visible in the Audit Log. You can find here any changes to user permissions, new users invited, who signed into the portal and when, etc.

This functionality is available to users with the Administrator role. Read more about User roles.

We strongly recommend using only personalised accounts on our platform - all accounts should be accessible to a single person. This allows for compliant auditability of all actions taken on our dashboard.

Searching and filtering

Please choose the time period you are interested in and press “Search”.

The following information will be available for each action:

TimeThe date and time when this action took place.
ActionThe type of action that took place. Find below the glossary of all actions tracked.
Performed byThe user who took this action.
DescriptionFurther details about the action. For example, for the ROLE CHANGED action, it would include which role was assigned to the user.
Affected userThe user who was affected by this action. As an example, for whom the Role was changed.

You can always further filter down the results from the search bar or by pressing on the column header.

As an example, you could search for the name of the user, which would filter the results to show all actions taken by this particular person during the selected time period.

Glossary of actions

Log inUser has signed into the dashboard.
User invitedA new user has been invited into the dashboard.
User invite re-sentA user has been resent the invitation email.
User registeredA user has activated their account in the dashboard.
User status changeUser has been disabled or re-enabled to access the dashboard.
Password changedA user has changed their password.
Role changedA user’s role has changed. Read more about User roles.
Country access changedThe countries that the user is able to see in the dashboard have changed. Read more about country-level access restrictions from User roles.
API token generatedA new API token has been generated for your account.
Batch disbursementA new batch disbursement has been initiated.
Domain addedA new email domain has been added to the email domain whitelist. Read more about email domain whitelist from Inviting users.