You can find all deposits made on our platform on the Deposits page.

This functionality is available to users with the Transactions role. Read more about User roles.

Search for deposits

Please choose the time period you are interested in by clicking on the time period selector. You can also use the quick links below the selector to quickly see transactions made in the last hour, today, yesterday, or the current week.

If you are interested in transactions of a specific Mobile Money Operator (MMO), you can filter by picking them from the MMO dropdown.

Pressing “Search” will show you the results.

A maximum of 10,000 records will be shown. If your search results in more than that, the oldest 10,000 will be visible in your results.

Glossary of results

Creation DateThe date and time at which this deposit was initiated. Time is in the UTC time zone.
MSISDNThe phone number of the party being collected from.
Financial Transaction IDThe ID for this transaction specified by the MMO.
Please note! This ID is visible to your customers in their SMS receipts or Mobile Money applications transaction history.
Requested amountThe amount on the original deposit request.
Deposited amountThe amount deposited in your wallet in pawaPay.
CurrencyThe currency in which this transaction took place.
StatusThe current status of this transaction. Read more about statuses from Transaction statuses.
CountryThe country in which this transaction took place.
MMOThe Mobile Money Operator who carried out the transaction.
ReasonThe reason for this payment specified by you as the statementDescription in our API. Read more about our deposits in our API from our API docs.
MetadataA list of metadata that you can attach to the payment for providing additional context about the payment.