Where is the API?

When creating an account with pawaPay, you will first receive access to our sandbox environment. The sandbox environment is completely isolated from our production environment. You can safely test your integration with pawaPay without real mobile money wallets and real money involved. Access to your production account will be granted after completing the onboarding on your sandbox account.

The base URL for the pawaPay Merchant API is different between our sandbox and production environments. The specific operation can be called by appending the endpoint to the base URL.

Example: https://api.sandbox.pawapay.io/payouts

EnvironmentBase URL

The base URL and the authentication token are the only things that change between using pawaPay Merchant API in our sandbox and in production. These should be a part of your applications environment specific configuration.


The pawaPay Merchant API uses a bearer token for authentication. An authorization header is required for all calls to the pawaPay Merchant APIs except for MMO Availability.

The token can be generated from the pawaPay Dashboard. Instructions on how to do that can be found in the pawaPay Dashboard Docs.

The token generated from your sandbox account can only be used for authenticating against the Merchant API in sandbox. For authenticating against the Merchant API in production, a separate token must be generated with your live account.

As our sandbox environment is completely isolated from our production environment, the URLs for each dashboard are also different.

EnvironmentDashboard URL

The base URL and the authentication token are the only things that change between using the Merchant API in our sandbox and in production. These should be a part of your applications environment specific configuration.

Below is an example payout request with curl:

curl -i -X POST \
https://api.sandbox.pawapay.io/payouts \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"payoutId": "<UUID>",
"amount": "15",
"currency": "ZMW",
"country": "ZMB",
"correspondent": "MTN_MOMO_ZMB",
"recipient": {
"type": "MSISDN",
"address": {
    "value": "260763456789"
"customerTimestamp": "2020-02-21T17:32:28Z",
"statementDescription": "Note of 4 to 22 chars"


The pawaPay API is secured by the API token as explained in Authentication.

To add a second layer of security, you can optionally sign your financial requests to us - deposit, payout and refund requests.

In this case, pawaPay will only accept financial requests that have been signed by you. To utilize this additional capability, you should provide your public key in the pawaPay Dashboard and enable this feature.

Read how to do that from the pawaPay Dashboard Docs. This ensures that even if your API token leaks, only you can initiate financial requests with pawaPay.

If configured, pawaPay will also send callbacks to your callback URLs with the final status of your payment.

Your network team can whitelist the pawaPay platform IP addresses for these callback URLs.

Additionally, you can also enable pawaPay to sign those callbacks. You can then validate the signature that is included in the header of the callback to ensure that callbacks are in fact coming from pawaPay and have not been tampered with.

Signatures in financial requests

Financial requests are requests sent to the pawaPay Merchant API to move funds. These include deposits, payouts, bulk payouts and refunds.

The implementation of signatures in pawaPay is based on the standard described in RFC-9421.

When creating the financial request to send to the pawaPay Merchant API, you should create a Content-Digest, sign the request and add Signature and Signature-Input headers.

You can find sample node code for signing your requests from Github.

Hash the request body

For generating the Content-Digest you can use either SHA-256 or SHA-512 algorithm. The Content-Digest should be created from the request body. Having the request body hashed and available as a header allows verification that the content of the request has not been tampered with.

Content-Digest: sha-512=:mXRb9GJnfR/lyXOVfa27Wg+QrRgX3DVhXpQwjxbWoG3BgX7ZHmXLpvQb4il2kxgLjWmj6oSdwDdn5rUAJVYnUw==:

    "depositId": "d6df5c10-bd43-408c-b622-f10f9eaa568b",
    "amount": "15",
    "currency": "ZMW",
    "correspondent": "MTN_MOMO_ZMB",
    "payer": {
    "type": "MSISDN",
    "address": {
        "value": "260763456789"
    "customerTimestamp": "2024-05-02T15:36:45.045064Z",
    "statementDescription": "Signed deposit"

You can read more about it here.

Create the signature base

For creating the content that will be signed, you need to create a signature base. This should include all details of the request that should be verifiable. We recommend including at least the following Derived Components.

  • @method
  • @authority
  • @path

Also the following headers should be included into the request and the signature base.

  • Signature-Date
  • Content-Digest
  • Content-Type

Let’s take the following example request to initiate a deposit.

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, deflate
Content-Digest: sha-512=:mXRb9GJnfR/lyXOVfa27Wg+QrRgX3DVhXpQwjxbWoG3BgX7ZHmXLpvQb4il2kxgLjWmj6oSdwDdn5rUAJVYnUw==:
Signature-Date: 2024-05-02T15:36:45.058799Z1714653405;expires=1714653465
Accept-Signature: rsa-pss-sha512,ecdsa-p256-sha256,rsa-v1_5-sha256,ecdsa-p384-sha384
Accept-Digest: sha-256,sha-512
    "depositId": "d6df5c10-bd43-408c-b622-f10f9eaa568b",
    "amount": "15",
    "currency": "ZMW",
    "correspondent": "MTN_MOMO_ZMB",
    "payer": {
        "type": "MSISDN",
        "address": {
            "value": "260763456789"
    "customerTimestamp": "2024-05-02T15:36:45.045064Z",
    "statementDescription": "Signed deposit"

The signature base for the above request would be the following.

"@method": POST
"@authority": localhost:8080
"@path": /deposits
"signature-date": 2024-05-02T15:36:45.058799Z
"content-digest": sha-512=:mXRb9GJnfR/lyXOVfa27Wg+QrRgX3DVhXpQwjxbWoG3BgX7ZHmXLpvQb4il2kxgLjWmj6oSdwDdn5rUAJVYnUw==:
"content-type": application/json; charset=UTF-8
"@signature-params": ("@method" "@authority" "@path" "signature-date" "content-digest" "content-type");alg="ecdsa-p256-sha256";keyid="CUSTOMER_TEST_KEY";created=1714653405;expires=1714653465

You can read more about creating the signature base here.

Create the signature

You can use your private key now to sign the signature base. You can use one of the following algorithms:

You can read more about creating the signature here.

Include Signature and Signature-Input headers

Having generated the signature, you should include it into the Signature header of the request. You also need to create the Signature-Input header which outlines the parameters and their order that were used to generate the Signature as well as metadata about the signature. The metadata should include.

  • The used algorithm (alg)
  • The date the signature was created (created)
  • The expiration date of the keypair (expires)
  • The id of the key (keyid)

This allows pawaPay to validate the basis for the signature against your public key. Read more about it here.

The final request that can be sent to pawaPay would look as follows.

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, deflate
Content-Digest: sha-512=:mXRb9GJnfR/lyXOVfa27Wg+QrRgX3DVhXpQwjxbWoG3BgX7ZHmXLpvQb4il2kxgLjWmj6oSdwDdn5rUAJVYnUw==:
Signature-Date: 2024-05-02T15:36:45.058799Z
Signature: sig-pp=:MEQCIHoWKI71ADMmqwtwW48CHgfbDWdVItVMNlXTFJjoxmEDAiBTY30Le4wQd3RXqvmYubVwrxuP7Tz1SeZcnsNdHqjJDg==:
Signature-Input: sig-pp=("@method" "@authority" "@path" "signature-date" "content-digest" "content-type");alg="ecdsa-p256-sha256";keyid="CUSTOMER_TEST_KEY";created=1714653405;expires=1714653465
Accept-Signature: rsa-pss-sha512,ecdsa-p256-sha256,rsa-v1_5-sha256,ecdsa-p384-sha384
Accept-Digest: sha-256,sha-512
    "depositId": "d6df5c10-bd43-408c-b622-f10f9eaa568b",
    "amount": "15",
    "currency": "ZMW",
    "correspondent": "MTN_MOMO_ZMB",
    "payer": {
        "type": "MSISDN",
        "address": {
            "value": "260763456789"
    "customerTimestamp": "2024-05-02T15:36:45.045064Z",
    "statementDescription": "Signed deposit"

The pawaPay API would respond by accepting the payment for processing with the following response (headers irrelevant for signatures are omitted).

Content-Digest: sha-512=:NkvHr2fjqMoKW6nxA6V6jeQXhZyKVAcYdOv6Rmpa2cMn7yZmYDFrPzj/1LiAvOmJkCEdfsS5Bn9N/uZL8nCLZQ==:
Signature-Date: 2024-05-02T15:36:46.084331Z
Signature: sig-pp=:MEUCIFPakg6tQqN33NueVBPCKK4/GJ7BmHqux2yNQqWOEfmRAiEA43SOGd4JvlX2DWuh1oe0nP+/J8POSfr24SwXw2aRHRs=:
Signature-Input: sig-pp=("@status" "signature-date" "content-digest");alg="ecdsa-p256-sha256";keyid="HTTP_EC_P256_KEY:1";created=1714653406;expires=1714653466

Do not forget to enable signed financial calls and upload your public key in the pawaPay Dashboard. Learn how to do that from the pawaPay Dashboard Docs.

Make the request

You can now send this request to pawaPay Merchant API to initiate a deposit, payout, bulk payout and refund.

Signatures in callbacks

When receiving callbacks from pawaPay they will include the following headers.

  • Signature
  • Signature-Input
  • Signature-Date
  • Content-Type
  • Content-Digest

You can verify that the request has not been tampered with and is coming from pawaPay.

Here is an example callback for a deposit.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, deflate
Content-Digest: sha-512=:0ki7QBS/0MA424uwOq3k5HnJnL5SRkPjit12m0YMpd4JgWiMvm9+yNT3FunkpDaTSsKhTkliQwJlRw9bgsos9w==:
Signature-Date: 2024-05-02T16:45:51.131905Z
Signature: sig-pp=:MEQCIHFvGCUgyxmmowMufO4Yk20pBs3JHRax81si2QZVi9ByAiBPpg1WBhQjZ6fmi3a/gKcWiQ73Qm9Ol35On3c4K/flew==:
Signature-Input: sig-pp=("@method" "@authority" "@path" "signature-date" "content-digest" "content-type");alg="ecdsa-p256-sha256";keyid="CUSTOMER_TEST_KEY";created=1714657551;expires=1714657611
Accept-Signature: rsa-pss-sha512,ecdsa-p256-sha256,rsa-v1_5-sha256,ecdsa-p384-sha384
Accept-Digest: sha-256,sha-512
    "depositId": "4985d482-454d-4ebc-abc9-ad525eef21b6",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "requestedAmount": "15",
    "currency": "ZMW",
    "country": "ZMB",
    "correspondent": "MTN_MOMO_ZMB",
    "payer": {
        "type": "MSISDN",
        "address": {
            "value": "260763456789"
    "customerTimestamp": "2024-05-02T16:45:51.120601Z",
    "statementDescription": "Signed deposit",
    "created": "2024-05-02T16:45:51.120601Z",
    "depositedAmount": "15",
    "respondedByPayer": "2024-05-02T16:45:51.120601Z",
    "correspondentIds": {
        "MTN_INIT": "ABC123",
        "MTN_FINAL": "DEF456"

Validate content integrity

Create a hash of the request body using the algorithm specified in the Content-Digest header. Comparing the generated value to the value in Content-Digest ensures the body of the request has not been tampered with.

Validate the signature

Based on the parameters in Signature-Input, generate the signature base for the request. You can read more about it here.

Based on the previous example, the signature base would be the following.

"@method": POST
"@authority": localhost:8080
"@path": /callback
"signature-date": 2024-05-02T16:45:51.131905Z
"content-digest": sha-512=:0ki7QBS/0MA424uwOq3k5HnJnL5SRkPjit12m0YMpd4JgWiMvm9+yNT3FunkpDaTSsKhTkliQwJlRw9bgsos9w==:
"content-type": application/json; charset=UTF-8
"@signature-params": ("@method" "@authority" "@path" "signature-date" "content-digest" "content-type");alg="ecdsa-p256-sha256";keyid="CUSTOMER_TEST_KEY";created=1714657551;expires=1714657611

You can retrieve the public key to verify the signature from the Public Keys endpoint. Using the retrieved public key, the generated signature base and the signature, you can now verify that the the content (as specified by the Signature-Input) was in fact signed by pawaPay and therefore originates from pawaPay.

Do not forget to enable signed callbacks in the pawaPay Dashboard. Learn how to do that from the pawaPay Dashboard Docs.

Callback URLs

The pawaPay Merchant API is asynchronous. You can read more from Asynchronous API.

Callback URLs are configured from the pawaPay Dashboard. You can find instructions on how to do that from the pawaPay Dashboard Docs.

When using callbacks, please ensure the following IP addresses are whitelisted to ensure we can reliably deliver callbacks to you.



Correspondents in our Merchant API refer to the specific Mobile Money Operators (MMOs) that are available through our platform. The parameters that define the destination of the payment are correspondent and payer for Deposits or recipient for Payouts. This routes the payment to the correct person (specified by the MSISDN) on the correct mobile network (specified by the correspondent).

You can always check which correspondents are available on your account from the active configuration endpoint.

You can use the predict-correspondent endpoint to predict the MMO for a phone number (MSISDN).

The amount of decimal places that can be specified as the amount of the transaction vary between different MMOs. You can find the list of all available correspondents, their currency and supported decimal places below.