Predict Correspondent
Predicts the correspondent (Mobile Money Operator) for the specified phone number (MSISDN).
Average misprediction rate when using this endpoint is 0.12%.
See Authentication.
The phone number (MSISDN) to predict the correspondent of. Must contain the country code.
The input will be sanitized by:
- removing the leading + sign
- removing all whitespace
- removing non-numeric characters
"+260 763-456789"
The country in which the MMO operates.
Format is ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, three character country code in upper case. Read more from Wikipedia.
The name of the MMO associated with the specified MSISDN.
The correspondent code refers to the specific MMO that the specified phone number (MSISDN) has an active mobile money wallet with.
You can find all the supported correspondents listed here.
The active configuration endpoint provides the list of correspondents configured for your account.
You can use the predict correspondent enpoint to predict the correct correspondent to use based on the phone number (MSISDN).
The correctly formatted phone number (MSISDN) from your original request that is in a valid format for the rest of the pawaPay Merchant API.
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